Tuesday, October 10, 2006

20 WEEKS and Counting .. . . . . .

As you can see I am a fat cow. Yes, I am only 20 weeks and it looks like I am ready to pop. I guess it is worth it in the end.

Well, as you can see I have not updated my blog in a while. People I am trying to do this thing every day, but let's just say, "I have a life." No offense, Taryn and Jon.

This weekend was pretty sweet as always. We had a sunny weekend in San Francisco, which is pretty rare. We took full advantage and went to the beach. The weather was aboslutely amazing. I was still a little cold, but what else is new. I am frigin cold in Jamaica too. It was much needed relaxation. It was nice watching the boyz (Jared and Jude) romp with each other on the sand, and I was also fixated on Jared and his new toy. It was like giving a child a lollipop. Men never grow up do they? Jude is definitely going to have great memories.

There was also an air show going on as well. We saw an air show right above us. That was pretty cool! They were doing some serious stunts. It must be a rush for those pilots. If I can do that I would. That rush you get from flying straight up into the air back to the ground is priceless. I got a rush from watching it. I could just imagine how those pilots feel.

So, let me just fill you in on the pregnancy. It is going well , but this must be a girl, because I am so damn emotional!!! I think I have cried every day this week for no reason. It is so annoying. You can say cry and I will cry just like that. Poor Jared and Jude has had to deal with me and I really do not know how they manage. I annoy myself. If this is not a girl I will truly be shocked. Only a girl can drive you this mad. Besides the emotional thing, everything is going great. My due date os going to be on Valentines day or no later than the 19th of Feb. I think this is it for me. I wanted three kids, but the next one will have to be adopted, because I am surely not getting knocked up again.



Anonymous said...

I cannot speak for JK, but all of my posts are done while I am "working". thus not reflecting on my life status

YanYan said...

Don't you and Jon have work to do?:)

Anonymous said...

Yanicke.... you look soooooo cute!!!
hi Taryn!!

Anonymous said...

if i were that cute all knocked up, i would have done it years ago.

Anonymous said...

yeah my work is staring at a computer until someone comes up with stuff for me to do....like sorting the mail!

hi Angie!!!

YanYan said...


I will always remember when I got knocked up because it was at your beautiful wedding when I found out. I remember the morning we were at the hairdressers and I ran to the bathroom to puke. I was scared to tell Angie because I knew she would bite my head off, getting sick on the BIG DAY.

You know I love you! I walked down that aisle looking damn good with the biggest smile on my face, I really wanted to throw up all over that damn priest..

Anonymous said...

Yanicke, please forget what I said on my blog. You look great! :)

YanYan said...

OK Jon I won't kick your ass!