Thursday, September 21, 2006

OK, IT IS FINITO.. OVER... DONE!!! Yesterday I quit the god damn PTA. Yes, I did. I feel great bout it. The stress is gone. I don't have to deal with these desperate house wife clones any more. The workload was way too much. I wanted to be so involved with my son's education, but I did not know it was a fulltime job (not paid). I was the organizer of the PTA. It came to a point where I had 20 - 40 emails a day, typing letters, sending out emails, doing excel sheets, keeping the contact between teachers, students, and the PTA board flowing. I was falling behind on school work and focusing on the PTA. I am definitely not a multitasker like the other mothers. They obviously have no life other than their children and the PTA. Everyone has great ideas, but who was doing the work?
I need to focus on school and my pregnancy. So, yesterday I built up the courage and resign.
Do you believe that today I went to drop Jude off at school and the PTA president snobbed me. I said hello and she gave a fake smirk and kept walking. So, I guess since I am not a member of the PTA cult I am going to be an outcast. Oh, well I love being different, so an outcast is not so bad. I just cannot believe grown women are acting like highschool girls.
Don't get me wrong I still want to contribute in another way, for instance, in the library reading to kids ( how stressful could that be), helping with the garden, science fairs, chaperoning on fieldtrips. I can still help out, but not on the PTA board. I rather be with the children than the stupid ass adults. Kids are much easier than the middle aged women with no lives.
Let me cut them some slack. I am not being fare. I think I am just upset with the way they are handling the situation. There would not be so much pressure on the parents in the public school system if the government was doing there fucking share. We are spending millions of dollars in Iraq, but we are cutting school funding. Do you know who funds the Physical Education program, Science Program, Language programs, art programs, and music? The PTA... Yes, the PTA. We would not even have PE anymore if it iwas not for the PTA. The only thing the government funds is Math, English, and History. A lot of public schools do not even have a librarian anymore. So, the PTA has gone from the old days of baking cookies to a serious corporate business with no salaries. Our school PTA raises 200,000 - 600,000 a year.
Isn't that sad? So, the parents are becoming stressed out to keep the schools up to par. So, I feel it for them and that is why I will still be active in some kind of way, but they are still bitches!!!


TDawg said...

there's some book about Queen Bees and who they grow up to be. I'll have to find it for you, it pretty much says that some people never leave their high school mentalities....hence your PTA biznatches

YanYan said...

tell me about it... I am so happy it is over and yes, I would love to read that book. I am sure the book is basically going to say, "these were women were homecoming queens, or popular, etc," and they are reliving the good ol'days. They need to wake up and recognize.