Tuesday, August 29, 2006

LT. Watada is the kind of American the makes America look good. His stance against the Iraq war is the most courageous thing I have seen since Kanyae West spoke out aginst President "loser" Bush last year on public television. There were quite a few celebrities that spoke their mind on public telelvision, but no one really made a difference and took a stance. Lt. Watada is throwing away his freedom for what he believes in. He refuses to fight a war that is illegal and unjust. He is not against war just this war. He thinks the American people have been misled by the government and it is TRUE... We have. It is such a sensitive time. If you speak out aginst the president or the war certain people think you are a communist, a traitor, or an immigrant that should return back to their country.
This is suppose to be the Land of the Free, but then again you cannot speak your mind or you are a traitor... Please explain to me because I don't get it. That is a total contradiction. I guess I am a traitor as well. It is ok to go on with life and look up to people like Jessica Simpson and Paris Hilton. Worry about what you are going to wear, Is it Gucci or Prada? Watch reality TV and buy your celeb gossip magazine. Yeah, let us be totally shallow and continue life with our blackberries, Ipods, and Jimmy Choo shoes. That is all fine and dandy, but oh no! Do not open your eyes and see what is really going on and how many people are dying for an unjust war.
I love America and I think it is a great country but what President Bush is doing is wrong and I admire that Lt. Watada stepped up the plate and said something. There are a lot of Americans that think the same thing as Watada but is just too scared to say something or they think nothing will change. The one that I hear quite often is " We can't pull out now and leave Iraq in shambles." Ok I understand that, but do we have a plan? What plan? Oh, yes we are going to stay there until they get some order and a stable govt. Ok, when will that be? I am from Jamaica and I know after we received out independence it took us a hell of a long time to have that stable structure. Shit, we are still trying to figure it out and we got our independence in the 60's... Go figure!
I have a thought... What happened to Bin Laden? I will just leave you with that thought for the day. Oh, did you see in the papers that Bin Laden is in love with Whitney Houston. Yeah, that is the most recent news I have heard about Bin Laden.
All I can say I support Lt. Watada a 110% and I will sign any petition to help him not get acquitted.. As we say in Jamaica "Nuff Respect Watada"!!
Ciao !!!

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Take care - your friend George