Monday, August 21, 2006


I know, I know I am the worse at blogging. I know... Anyways, I just found out I am 13 weeks along. This pregnancy is so weird because I am grossed out by meat, seafood, cigarettes, perfume and alcohol. I cannot wait until this phase is over.
Jude and Jared are pretty excited. Jude keeps asking why is the baby taking so long to come out. He thinks this baby is going to come out at 5 years old. We told him it will be a long time before he can play with this baby. I don't think he is amused.

Anyways, what else is going on? Oh, I started school. Yes, I am 32 years old and a student again. How sad is that. The worse thing is that the 19 and 20 year old students look older than me. What the hell are the kids eating now-a-days. Well, I guess it is a good thing that I still look young:) My first day of class was actually nice. I enjoyed it! It felt good to be back in a learning enviroment. At this age I am definitely more serious about school and I guess from staying home with Jdue for so long it feels great to have my brain working again. I am like a sponge soaking it all in.

If you are wondering what I am going back to school for, it is for my elementary education degree. Yes, to be a teacher! I never thought I would be a teacher, but life just surprises you doesn't it. After staying home for five years I just cannot imagine going back to corporate America and working my ass off and only getting two weeks vacation to be with my family... No way! I thought what would be the best career where I could be on the same schedule as my kids and teaching came to mind.... I mean, two months off for summer, Christmas off and all other holidays... SWEET!!! Oh, yeah did I mention i love kids too:)

Oh, I wanted to doa vote on babay names. I already have the girls name so I will not reveal that now. That will be a surprise if it is a girl. We need help with boy's name.
Jared wants Nikai...
Yanicke wants Zen....

So I would like for everyone to vote for Zen or Nikai and we will make our selection off of your votes.

Well, guys this is it for me today. I am trying to make it to yoga class, so I do not turn into a fat ass with this pregnancy...

Yan Yan


JJ ZIGGLES said...

yeah im still not sold on zen ..i like the 3 letter thing and its simple and strong ..but it is a little hippy dippy and what if the boy doesn't like that. ..How about "Joshua". ?? or "Zebratits"?

Jon said...

It depends... do you want your son to get beat up every day? Or just every other day?

And "Zebra Tits"???? C'mon Wash..

YanYan said...

So does that mean everyone likes Iyako for a girl?

YanYan said...


You better wake up and realize you are married to a hippy and you are a hippy in denial:(

TDawg said...

What happened to Charlie? What were some of the other girl names?

YanYan said...

sorry there is no compromise. We already picked our girls name five years ago, sorry......

Tash Josie said...

Hey Yan & JAW -

I stole your name Yan - its me Tash.

I like Zen but can't u use Nikai for the middle name?