Friday, June 09, 2006

The Rat Race... Wednesday 6/7/06

Chillin' on the beach with wind blowing in my hair. I am on an island some where with Jared and Jude. The water is so clear. Jude is wading by the shoreline while Jared is shouting from our little bungalow, "Babe, would you like some lemonade." "Yes, thank you", I replied. I sat and sat just thinking how amazing my life is. Wow, a bungalow on the beach, a wonderful husband, my precious child and living in the islands. Life cannot get better than this.

Then, I hear a little voice saying over and over again, "Where are we going today?" I swear I heard it about twenty times. I opened my eyes to find Jude on top me asking where are we going today. Man, I was pissed. That dream was so nice. Don't you hate that? When you have really good dreams and then some one or something wakes you.

Well, I got up cleaned the house and got Jude and myself ready. We headed out to the zoo. In San Francisco they have one free day a month at the zoo and various museums. So, we headed out and when we got there parking was impossible. I mean there are way too many cars in this world. I would love to live in a biking city, like Amsterdam. That is so cool. I bet every one is slim too. I finally found a parking spot ( a mile away from the entrance). My fat ass needs the excercise any way so I could not complain.

We met up with my friend "Susy" and her son "Ben". They are from Hungrary. I just met Susy a couple of weeks ago. She is so sweet and her son is so adorable. Ben has become Jude's bestfriend. They play so well together. It also helps that Susy and I get along great as well. I hung out with them for about two hours and I had to rush for an interview at JCrew. Susy kept Jude while I tried to make my appointment. I was so late. Gosh, do I make it to anything on time. I am always on Jamaican time.

I finally made to the interview 30 minutes late. I explained to the manager that is why I am applying for a part time job on weekends, because the weekdays are just impossible for me. I told the manager that I am a stay home mother during the week. She frowned... I swear you get no respect from women being a stay home mom. You get more respect from men now-a-days. I feel women look down on you if you stay home with your child. Well, screw them all! I want to see them do what I do.. HA!

Anyways, the interview was stupid as hell. You know the typical dumb personality questions. For instance, do you believe honesty is the best policy? Like stupid shit like that. I mean come on! Am I really going to say no. Is any person going to say no. I really do not get those stupid questions. Well, getting back to my story, the interview was short and I was out of there.

I got back to Susy's house where Jude was playing with Ben. We sat and chatted while the boys were playing. She is too sweet. I can chat to her for hours. I tell her about my culture. She tells me about her culture. It is just great. I love hanging with people from different cultures. It is so stimulating. I don't how people hang out with their own kind all of the time. It just gets so boring. I love hanging out with all different type of people. It is a great way to travel. I call it mental travel. I actually feel like I am in their country when they speak about it.

Well, I love that Susy loves to stay home with her kids as well. I think it is the hardest job but it is the best thing to do for your child. Why have children if you can't stay home with them? Kids who stay home learn more, are more confident and they have a strong sense of security. I can't really blame the moms that have careers. I mean this damn society makes you that way. The cost of living is just ridiculous. You have to be a certain type of woman to stay home. Some women feel like losers if they don't have a career while being a mother. Which, trust me I can certainly understand, but when I had my child it was my choice to put him first. It is not about me anymore. Jared and I sacrificed a lot for me to stay home for so long. It has been the greatest experience in my life time. I love my husband so much for giving me that gift.

Well, in a couple of weeks I will be back in the rat race. I am just going to do a stupid retail job during the summer until I start school. I am going to work weekends only and do some babysitting during the week. Gosh, going back to retail is going to suck! I have not done retail since highschool. I am not saying I am above it, but damn it is going to suck. It is better than nothing and atleast Jared will be getting some JCrew clothes. I have to just keep my mind focused and keep saying to myself this is all for Jude. I will be starting school in the summer and getting my teaching degree, so that I can have a career where I am on Jude's schedule. I refuse to go back to corporate America and get only one to two weeks off a year. Hell no!

Ok people I gotta go.. I wrote a novel didn't I?

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