Friday, April 06, 2007

The New Chapter..

I am back!!!!! It is great to take a break from blogging especially a long haitus. Everyone is so used to you not updating your blog that they do not read it anymore, which is great because now I can really write what I want and not worry about any one seeing it:) Hmmmmmmmm!!!
Well, my life has been pretty busy for the past two months. As you all know I gave birth to our second son, Zen Patrick Akiva Washkowitz. Some say it is a mouth full, I say it is a strong name. He is almost two months now and has done quite a bit of travelling. He has learned if you are going to be a part of this family you must be a seasoned traveller or a nomad.
We came back from Hawaii a week ago, hence the pictures above. It was pure bliss. I felt like I was home. It was so similar to my country. It is amazing how I have travelled all over the caribbean and I have not found one island similar to Jamaica, but I fly across the other side of the world to Hawaii and it is exactly like Jamaica in so many ways. The culture, the people, the vibe and some how I always knew that. Hawaii is a place I have been trying to move to for years. When Jared first met me I was planning my departure to Hawaii and he talked me out of it which he will not admit. Have you ever had a feeling like you belong to a certain place even though you have never been there? Well, that is Hawaii for me.
As far as Honolulu, hmmmmm... I don't particulary care for Waikiki. It is so built up and the architecture has no character at all. I prefer North Shore or the West end. Call me country:) I can see why the Hawaiians are so damn racist. They raped their land to the point of destruction. I have never seen an island so build up. You cannot see the ocean from your hotel because there are so many tall ugly condos.
The North Shore made up for it. The North Shore is a chill little beach town and surfer meca of the world. It is pretty diverse and a strictly roots vibe. It was calling my name. I already know which school Jude would go to and where we would live. They say in your thirties is when you identify with who you are. Well, I know I am an island girl and there is no changing it. I am happier, healthier, positive, and less stressed in the islands. I don't get island fever. I get city fever!
I grew up in the islands and it is was the best childhood a child can imagine. We were not inside watching t.v. and playing Xbox (then again we only had one channel.) We grew up outside on the beach. We knew how to survivie nature because there was room for our natural insticts to grow.
Hawaii was sweet and I hope we will live there some day. I know we will be far from every one and I will miss every one, but I know my family, I will see more of them in Hawaii than San Fran. Once some one knows they have a place to stay in Hawaii you will not be able to get rid of them, I think we will see every one more out there than here. We said we will give Cali another 3-4 years and then return to the islands. It might be Hawaii or the caribbean. I don't know. We will see... Stay tuned..


JJ ZIGGLES said...

i agree with your description of oahu..we should check out some of the other islands too. I saw in my hawaii bar mag that Kona on the big island is looking for a prosecutor, but i don't think that is my cup of tea so to speak.

Mr. Zen is so cute in those pics.

YanYan said...

i don't think prosecution is your cup of tea either.

Anonymous said...

well jared and yanike I hope you're both doing well and, god willing, feeling well after your trip. Zen looks so small and adorable in those pictures on big Jared's chest. Did you see our little Jared while you were in Hawaii? He was looking forward to meeting up with Jude. hope to hear from you guys soon, love Mike and Nikki :)

JJ ZIGGLES said...

hey mike, we did see little jared. ..we met up on the north shore and hung out at their hotel pool . . .it was a fun day..

Suzie said...

Beautiful Photos. Good to see you blogging again. I took a bit of a blogger's rest myself. I feel like I could use some WD-40!