Friday, February 09, 2007

5 days to go...

Well everyone we have five days to go and I am fucking miserable and uncomfortable, so with that being said, later!!!

Will post again after Valentines day, the arrival of Zen Patrick Akiva Washkowitz.



Anonymous said...

Hi Yanike, I dont know when or if you've had Zendog yet, but I want to give you and Jay Dub a HUGE congrats from me and Nikki. Good job, we wish you all the best in the world, your new son is lucky to have such great parents and brother. (my Jared still talks about Jude like they just hung out last week) Best wishes and keep in touch if you can find the time...

YanYan said...

Mike thanks so much. You are so sweet. I guess I won't mute you next time... :)

YanYan said...

Hi Mikey-
WE saw Little Jared in Hawaii with his grandparents. They are good people. WE really enjoyed ourselves. Thanks and send pics of little Jay so Jude can have a collection of his buds.