Saturday, January 13, 2007

MIA ..... Update.

After a long break I am back! Yes, it is the slacker. We all know I am awful at updating my blog but this time I have a valid reason. Does pregnancy justify? Since my last post I was busy finishing up school, finals, papers, etc. I finally finished by mid December with straight "A's" I might add, sorry but I have to flaunt it. I have always been a "C" student my whole life, so now that I have become a nerd I am proud of my "A's." My husband makes fun of me and calls me a geek. What he doesn't know is that geeks rock!

What am I studying you may ask? I decided to return to school after losing interest in fashion. I had my degree in fashion before I met my husband, but since he knocked me up I had a revelation. My career in fashion sucked fetching people's coffee and it is such a shallow field. Who am I helping? Oh, I help some idiot look good... Where is the challenge in that? After years of staying home with my son I realized I love children! Trust me it was a shock to me too. Before my son I honestly could not stand the little brats. I wanted no part of it and now they are my life.

Well, this is why I decided to go back to school to become a teacher. It is pretty cool and I love it!! My classes are so controversial and you know I love controversy. San Fran is the best place for an education and the teachers here are amazing. Anyways, you might be wondering what took me so long to return to school. This is the messed up part, because I went to an art school I was advised I would have to do my schooling all over. They would not accept the credits from my previous college because Fashion and Art is not a real degree I guess. They consider it vocational schooling. So, for all of you out there who is attending an art institute please rethink it. I know they are the best art schools but if you ever chnage your mind down the road and what to change careers you are screwed. The worse part of it they are so damn expensive. I have this huge student loan and not even working in the field I studied.

So, knowing that I had to do four years of schooling over was not appealing. So, I procrastinated and procrastinated until four years went by. I said, "Shit all this time I sat and complained about doing four more years of school when I could have been finished already." So, I went back finally.

So back to my explanation of not updating my blog, sorry for my rambling. As I mentioned before I was finsihing up school, then the holidays rolled up on my ass and kicked me hard. Our holidays were sweet but busy with shopping, shopping, and more shopping. I shopped myself into a mental state of misery. The holidays are way over rated. Trust me shopping and pregnancy do not mix.

The holidays were over and the new year rolled around. Jude went back to school. His schedule became busy again and my energy was not existant. The days Jude is in school I sleep. So, I am so sorry blog world but you were the last thing on my mind. The only reason I have some time to blog now is because my husband has been killing me with football. I am sooooooooooooooo over football. I knew there was a reason he bought me a flat screen with surround sound for Christmas. It was all his plan..

So, peeps I gotta go hit the ice cream parlor for some pistachio ice cream. I will try to blog one more time before I give birth but until then take care. The big day is Feb 14th, 2007 at 8am. A frigin C-section... I won't even get started ... That is another story for another day.



Anonymous said...

there are only three football games left this season. Don't worry.

Anonymous said...

If JAW can embrace your love of futbol, you can give a lil hug to football. Veddy entertaining

YanYan said...

tried... tried... tried.. .it ain't working.. I think it's because the season is so damn long. Atleast World cup is every four years so you don't get sick of it.

Gooders Girl said...

he he he Stan' firm. Will be here when you get back!

YanYan said...

Whappen Gooders? What a gwan in FLA? Mi goin' give birth to mi 2nd born Feb 14th. HOw di nursing ting a come tru?