Friday, January 19, 2007

I love my people but . . . .

I am sure every one has a time or another where their own people get on their damn nerves. The Chinese are my roots and I love them dearly but god damn they can annoy me as well. You see we live in a Chinese neighborhood. It is 80% Chinese. That is what I love about this neighborhood the most. I have all of my Chinese grocery stores right around the corner, I have dim sum two blocks away, I have great Chinese friends, and my son goes to a Chinese school where he learns the language and has a high standard of education. These are all the pros and trust me the pros out weigh the cons.

Here are the cons:
  • It seems the older generation Chinese have no respect for space.
  • They push me when we are on the street, in a restaurant, or any where else for that matter and do not say sorry.
  • The other day in the grocery store an old Chinese woman pushed the shopping cart into my pregnant belly.
  • Stop signs!!! Oh forget about it.
  • They will steal your parking spot right in front of you and look at you like you did some thing wrong.
  • Oh this is the best one I was standing in line at the Chinese market the other day and this cute little Chinese old lady walked right in front of me and put her stuff down. I said, excuse me, she smiled at me and paid the cashier. Then she turned to me and picked up one of my items and said, "Me ol' lady gimme dis one and go get another one, can't walk dat good."

Cute my ass!!!! My mouth dropped and I was in complete shock. That is pretty damn brave if you ask me. The worse thing is she was such a cute little old lady and she used that shit to her advantage. My girlfriend was with me who is also Chinese and I asked her what the hell is their problem, especially the older ones? I know the older generation can be very difficult. In my family for instance my older Chinese family members drive me insane. There is no changing them. They are always right and you have to accept it but this took the cake. My old Chinese relatives might be close minded and stubborn, but atleast they have manners. I don't know if I was walking around with a sign that said, "Hit me please, or Push me please, or just forget I exist please!" "No, I am not pregnant. I am just a fat ass!"

Well, My friend told me that I have to understand that most of the older generation here is straight from China. They hardly speak English and they are used to a culture where it is millions of people and always crowded, so they have to push and be nasty to get where they are going or they will get trampled. It is survival for them just to cross the street. After she explained I totally understood but it still pisses me off when I am the victim. I am so pregnant and bitchy these days I don't want to end up stranglin' a cute old lady. So how do I solve this problem? I will just avoid every old Chinese person I see. I will cross the street, go to the other side of the super market. I will avoid them as much as I can, so I do not put myself in that position.

In my next post we will see if it worked. If I am bloggin' from jail then you know the mission failed.


Anonymous said...

we should start messing with old people more. Like when they are crossing the street in front of our car, just lay on the horn to scare them. Also two points- (1) it's mostly the old chinese ladies, not the men, and (2) do you think they give you more crap b/c you are asian??

They don't DARE mess with the White Man.

Marlon James said...


Big Up, I think I responded to you on my blog instead of yours, that why you didn't get it. Thanks for the reaching out. Are you a proud new mama yet?

YanYan said...

Hi marlon-
Thanks for your comment. I have three more weeks to go and I can't wait to buss already..