Wednesday, January 31, 2007

2 More Weeks and counting . . . .

Whoa!!!! Mom that is gross!
Yes, I know what you are wondering? "Damn she is big!" Yes, I am. If you don't know by now I only give birth to futballers. Jude was 9lbs/9ounces, so I am thinking this one might be 9lbs or bigger. They say the second one is always bigger. Lucky for me :)
Well, we have two more weeks to go. 8am Valentines day I am scheduled for a c-section, which I am not happy about. I hate going under the knife !!! I got a c-section with Jude because Ms. hippy, herself wanted to be natural and went to a midwifery center. I had no drugs at all, fifteen hours natural, two hours pushing in the hot tub, and ended up at the hospital with a c-section. Can we say pissed? I went for so long natural and ended up with drugs and surgery. Please tell me how the midwives did not know I was carrying a big baby. I swear they tried to kill me. So, this time around it will be a scheduled c-section, which is pretty weird. I think choosing your child's birthday goes against all aspects of nature. I understand they have to do it this way because again, it looks like a big baby.
So, I have finished up school and I am taking a break this semester to welcome our child, but I am bored out of my mind. I am so use to being busy and as much as I bitch about it I love being busy. I am such a fat ass right now that I can't put on my own shoes, I can't bend, I cannot carry anything heavy, and all I do is sleep. Can we say cripple? Jared has been so amazing helping me. I know I should enjoy this time before a screaming baby enters my life but I HATE being so dependent. This is my hibernation period and I have my family hibernating with me. I feel so bad for them but in return for helping me out and being so supportive I told Jared to go and bond with his old college buddies in Costa Rica for a week. He deserves it and he has not seen those guys forever.
Well, I am going to take a nap now and chill out to some Joni Mitchell. Next time I blog I am sure Zen will be here.


JJ ZIGGLES said...

Clearly my 'men' are quite potent. I am like the cold rain pouring down on a fertile field of pumpkin seedlings.

Suzie said...

I love the way Jude is staring at your belly as if Zen is going to pop out and get him.

YanYan said...


YanYan said...

JW -

splendore said...

it's the same look jude gave me when I showed everyone my new tata's!
hang in there yanicke! I absolutely hated being dependant too. I thought, it could teach me to accept help, become interdependant, and who better with than your family? not that it doesn't suck.
I read your last blog about your neighbourhood, I have some really adorable chinese students in my chabot class, they all get along with eachother so well, and the mandarin speakers just listen to the cantonese speakers ( well, they are two really cute girls) and are able to interpret what they are saying. They all leave together. How cute! I bet a few will be dating before long....
xoxo carole

YanYan said...

Hi Splendore Babee-
YOu and Suzie are making bloggin' so much fun! How are you mama? How is the teaching? You need to come over here and help me with my paintings:)

Miss ya!