Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Thought of the day . . .

Ferociously Happy Heart Monday, the 27th of November, 2006

Embrace the Ferociously Happy Heart.Open wide the chest, open wide it’s cage!Free the Ferociously Happy Heart.Stand with legs wide, stand with a Warrior’s strength, stand with a Mountain’s solidity.There is NO puzzle of why… just the wonder of what, just the magic of Now!

Ultimately, the cloying slave driver of analysis can NOT be grasped!Take to the skies and fly with the Ferociously Happy Heart!

Do NOT compress the Ferociously Happy Heart.

Do NOT seek to contrive the Ferociously Happy Heart.

It is the reality lurking behind the dream.It is the reality dancing being the dream.It is our true nature!Come, let us increase our capacity for Joy!Come, let us increase our capacity for Strength!Come, let us increase our capacity for Peace!Strength can scurry about the extremities, or return to it’s home, return to our heart.Come, let us live from the Heart.Come, let us live from our Center.

Come, let us live from the Now.Our heart’s happy, solid, peaceful joy; what is it?It is the ultimate nature of sorrow!Yes, there are those who throw spears; spears that can fly deep into our hearts.

Do NOT turn and run.

There is nothing to fear.

Stand firm your ground.

Open wide your heart.

Enlarge your world with compassion’s Prayer…“May all beings now benefit!;Om Mani Padme Hum!”Breath deep and explore, “What are some of the ways there could be NO separate or permanent sadness to grasp?”

Relax deep into sorrow and ponder, “How could this sadness be just a fleeting dream?”Do NOT fight the experience, for that would just be Fear.

Courageously let go into the fullness of THIS moment’s experience.“ Om Man Padme Hum,Re-lax-ing.”There is NO need to violently “Pierce” the “veil of illusion,” when all that is required is to simply, let go.It is folly to chase after contemplative experience like a silly child, running to find the end of a rainbow!

Rather, courageously, stand your ground, embrace the truth of THIS present moment.No, NOT the idealized, ultra blissful “present moment” of escapist fantasy; but THIS authentic present moment, be it gorgeous or grotesque.Feel what you feel and relax!Yes, there are those who rejoice to harm us.But seen through the eyes of enlightened courage they can only make us stronger.

This is NOT false strength that comes from resisting; this is true strength that comes from surrender.From Surrender to a naked awareness of THIS present moment and all it’s conventional Vulgarity… from Surrender to a naked awareness of THIS present moment and all it’s ultimate Beauty!An awareness that is naked, striped bare and free from resistance… free from avoidance, free from retribution, free from retreat, free from deflection.Breath deep and embrace the ugliness of the nightmare and you will relax into the nature of the dream!Breath deep and embrace the ugliness of Hell and you will relax into the nature of Heaven.

Do NOT drop your head.

Do NOT cave your chest.

Do NOT seek to protect your heart in vain.

Stand firm your ground.

Open wide your heart.

Let the foolish exhaust themselves in their spear throwing.

Let their spears find their targets, let the cutting edges do their damage.

There is nothing to fear, there is nothing to hide from, there is nothing to protect; breath deep and relax!

Breath deep and relax into the profound truth of deep insight;breath deep and relax into it’s vastly compassionate nature.

Compassion that is vast, like two arms, infinitely stretched out to hug the universe, with a heart of strength.

The Ferocious Joy of an Un-bound Heart.

The Ferocious Joy of an Un-protected Heart.

The Ferocious Joy of a vulnerable Heart.

The Ferocious Joy of a naked Heart.

Oh how I want you to have this!

Oh how I want you to soar with the joy of a Ferociously Happy Heart!

Om Mani Padme Hum,

Lama Jigme Gyatso: Rime Manipa Tantrika

P.S.Whether you use the name:Kwan Yin, Kuan Yin, Quan Yin,Avalokiteshvara, Chenrezig or the Great Compassionate One;the Buddha of Compassion is always there for you.


Anonymous said...

stop smoking my herb woman!!! just kidding, those are nice thoughts.

YanYan said...

i wish...

Anonymous said...

It is me from barcelona... correct!