Thursday, November 09, 2006



What a day! I think this was the best voting day in years. It frustrates me more than ever that I cannot vote. Yes, people the tree huggin' hippy is just a resident and not a citizen yet. I have filled out the application many times and have not sent it in, but I will. The fact that I have been missing out has been killing me.

I will tell you the real truth why I have not sent in my application for my citizenship. The government has been begging me to become a citizen from the days Clinton was in office and I should have done it then. They were not so strict back then on having dual citizenship. Well, from the information I have gathered I might have to give up my Jamaican citizenship which is very hard for me. I think there is a way you can have dual, but you have to visit Jamaica every six months I think. I don't know I will figure it out. Now back to politics.

It seems that this is the most popular televised voting day ever. Everyone has been following the elections all over the world. Bush is deeply unpopular in most countries. We all want to see the cowboy get impeached. Why don't we impeach his ass I say!!!

One opposition lawmaker, Hafiz Hussain Ahmed, said he welcomed the election result, but was hoping for more. Bush "deserves to be removed, put on trial and given a Saddam-like death sentence," he said. I totally agree with Mr. Ahmed! This war has effected the whole world. I know it all sounds so harsh, but I am really fed up of our president and I don't think it's fare for him to play GOD! more like DEVIL!

My concern for the democrats is how can we fix this? I actually feel sorry for them. I feel Americans are going to demand changes immediately. They are going to want to see the democratic party play god and do some obsurd miracle. It is not going to be so easy and I also don't even know if they can clean this shit up. What impact do you think the democrats will have in Iraq? Can they back out now? Bush really fucked things up!!!! We have more enemies than ever because of this idiot! I just hope the people of this country give the democrats a chance and know what they are faced with, not only the Iraq war, but also global trade. I am sure China is worried.

What about this Gates character? What is his story? I do not know much about him. I will have to do my research and see what he is about.

Ok I have to run. I need to get this house in order for father in law who will be in here in an hour. So lata ( lata means later in Jamaica)... I will leave you with these quotes:

from Paris to Pakistan, a repeated theme was hope that the Democratic takeover of the House and Senate would force Bush to adopt a more conciliatory approach to global crises, and teach a president many see as a "cowboy" a lesson in humility.

In an extraordinary joint statement, more than 200 Socialist members of the European Parliament hailed the American election results as "the beginning of the end of a six-year nightmare for the world."

To all mi yardie Jamaicans out there: Fire bun dem!


Anonymous said...

For all you non-SF readers out there, we had a measure on our ballot on whether the City of SF should call for the impeachment of Bush/Cheney. Pretty crazy huh???? Of course in a few years the Dems will mess something up then they'll get voted out, then the Republicans will screw it up, on and on and on. This, as they in france, is la vie.

YanYan said...


Thank you very much and I will look into that a/s/a/p.


Anonymous said...

Yay for the we can raise taxes, give in-state tuition to kids of illegal immigrants even though we can't afford to send our own kids to college, and even give illegal aliens driver's licenses. Hey, lets let the illegals vote too, why the hell not, it's not like they're criminals, right???!!! As far as impeachment, Bush may be an idiot, but I'm not sure that qualifies under any legal standard for prosecution or impeachment. Finally, the Democrats won control of both houses, but not enough of a majority for veto power, so now they and the white house can clash for a few years and accomplish per usual...good luck to us...we'll need it.

Anonymous said...

I agree that Bush leaves a lot to be desired and has done quite a bit to ruin how the world views Americans, BUT I'm pretty sure that's not enough to impeach him. As for dual citizenship, a lot of Canucks seem able to have both, though I don't really know the rules about that. While I don't always agree with "Mr. Anonymous", i do find it pretty shady that people are willing to throw money for free healthcare and education to the kids of illegal immigrants when there are plenty of kids that are here legally who can't afford those things. yes, those kids didn't ask to be brought here illegally, but the American poor didn't ask to be poor.

YanYan said...

Mr. Anonymous,

Why don't you write your real name? You have so much mouth and cannot show your cover. I disagree with everything you have said. Well, the illegal immigrants issue I do agree with you to some point, but Bush has broken every law. He should just be impeached for sending us to WAR and not having proof of weapons of mass destruction. Also, the way he became the president was SHADY as hell. Do you remember when AlGore wa announced our new president for a brief second, then it was announced it was a mistake and actually George Bush won and it just so happens it was the Florida state that had the recount and who was the governor of that state? No other than his bro. Bush is guilty of so many crimes. I am not going to waste my energy here listing them. You are an ignorant IDIOT! The republicans has our country in so much debt that that our schools are pretty much 50 % funded by PTA. I pay 85.00 a month for my child to have Science class, yes Science that use to be a part of our cirriculm, but the govt has cut funds so much for this damn war. Mr. Anonymous do you have children? I bet you don't!!! Step into our public schools and look at the budget and see how much this war is robbing our children then come back and talk to me. Our San Francisco ballots they asked if we should impeach Bush and 80% said yes, so that must tell you somthing. I am sorry to be so nasty, but we all know he has to go and I hate idiots that defend this murderer!!!

YanYan said...

Is Mr. Anonymous Joe ? That sounds like something my friend Joe would say.

JJ ZIGGLES said...

I'm sorta not for impeachment even though i can't stand Bush. .My logic is i don't think the impeachment thing should get outa hand, and it would only be a big distraction from other things that need to be done.

Then again (a) it might be good to distract Bush so he doesn't F anything else up, and (b)some Bush folk no doubt wanted Clinton impeached for 'stretching the truth'about 'intern management techniques', so for all those who wanted Clinton impeached, to now not want Bush out is pretty F'ng hypocritical.

We all know Bush sucks , but i don't think impeachment should become a common place thing. Of course its not like i'd lose a wink of sleep if the reckleass bastid was impeached.

YanYan said...

That was a good point about Clinton. They did want to impeach him for CHEATING, please which guy does not lie about CHEATING.

Anonymous said...

I think it is in the best interest of the entire world for the US president to be getting some action, whether it be on the side or otherwise. World leaders shouldn't be hard up.

Gooders Girl said...

@ Anon: Move bitch get out de way!

Your thought processes are soooo limited. Probably because you are suffering from retardation.

"raise taxes, give in-state tuition to kids of illegal immigrants even though we can't afford to send our own kids to college, and even give illegal aliens driver's licenses. Hey, lets let the illegals vote too, why the hell not, it's not like they're criminals, right???!!!"

Are you freakin' serious. You sound like a Republican trash can...rhetoric rhetoric rhetoric did I mention coward? show yourself.

@ Yan Yan:

Gwaan bon de fire mi sista!

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a suprise that Liberal land (san francisco) wants to impeach a republican. Why don't you get educated about the issues and the law before making silly ,ignorant statements like, "Bush has broken every law. He should just be impeached for sending us to WAR and not having proof of weapons of mass destruction." He may be an idiot, but what law did he break? Get some facts rather than just spitting party-line rhetoric with no facts. Also, when the schools are totally funded (which I agree they need to be), who do you think is paying for that (you'd be paying more that $85 if it came out of your taxes to support all the schools)....does the G grow cash on trees these days? Tax payer money isn't who is more important, the students, the hungry and poor, the elderly, the uninsured...Anyhow, thanks for not wasting space describing all of GW's "crimes". I'm sure you know what they are and how they can be shown legally. Final have interesting opinions and I wouldn't call you names. It's always nice to see the other side. For someone so "open-minded" you're pretty angry and arrogant, with no actual facts except that you didn't even vote.

Anonymous said...

The whole ballot measure thing in general is kind of interesting. On the one hand, it's cool that people get to directly decide issues. On the other, how many people do you think fully read up on all the issues and implications (other than the 3 line blurb on the ballot). I mean, of course I did, but what about the others? yeah, the others.

YanYan said...

Anonymous why don't you tell us who you are and stop insulting every one's intelligence. You have so much to say but hiding while saying it.

What ever!
And for the record I don't mind paying more taxes as long as I see the results. Our taxes are going to WAR not schools or health care. Come on now it is common sense!

YanYan said...

I would vote if I can. It is not like I have to right to vote and choose not to. What, do you have something against foriengers as well? I am open minded but not towards BUSH supporters like yourself.

YanYan said...


YanYan said...

Mr. Anonymous,

I just reread all of our comments and you have a right to your opinion and so do I. I was wrong to call you an idiot, but I was heated at the time. I am usually very open minded but when it comes to so many people dying for a war that can't be explained I can't help but lash out. I am sorry this political debate has gotten so nasty, but I am pretty sensitive when it comes to BUSH. Normally I love a debate, but I think I have just had enough of this WAR.

Anonymous said...

Me too...I enjoy your blog and your opinions...sorry if you took anything personally and/or if it seemed like a direct insult or wasn't meant that way. Say what you's your blog and all of our opinions need to be heard in the grand scheme of things

Anonymous said...

and you are right, i am a big, fat, freaking idiot.

[just kidding- this is jaw..not the real 'anonymous']