Friday, November 10, 2006

HOnesty is not the best policy!!!

Wow!!!!! If any of you have read my last blog remind never to write about politics again. A good friend of mine a.k.a Jon K always told me "Yanicke you are very opininated and you need to be honest and say what you feel in your blogs. Who cares if people get offended. You do not have to apologize." Why did I listen to my good friend Jonno. If you look back at my last blog at the remarks section it got way out of hand. A political debate that turned nasty. Yes, I will admit I called "Mr. Anonymous" an idiot, who ever he is. I was so heated with his comments. I just think it is crazy when people think the decisions George Bush has made is minor. So many people are dying and the country is in so much dept. I know everyone has thier own opinions, but I honestly do not think I have ever disliked some one as much as our president. Yes, I will say it. After reading my blog remarks over and over I realized yes I might have come across pretty harsh, but this "anonymous character" was insulting my intelligence and that is something I do not take so lightly.

Anyways, thanks JK I will never be honest again. I was totally honest and it turned into WWIII.

BTW Jon I heard you are going to Natick for turkey day. We really wish we could be there with you guys:)

Well, I am signing off to bed. Good night everyone.


Jon said...

Arguing on the Internet is like running in the Special Olympics. Even if you win, you're still retarded.

Look, anytime you write about a touchy subject (politics, religion, American Idol, etc.), you're going to offend a few people. That shouldn't stop you from speaking your mind.

You should focus on the positives here.... People actually read your blog! Woo-hoo!! :)

YanYan said...

YOu are too funny Jon. Anyways, anonymous was my bro in law and if I knew that I would not have been so harsh. Wow, yeah I definitely got people to read. I don't know if that is a good thing. My bro apologized this morning, but I was the one who was harsh because I had no idea who anonymous was, my bad:) I called you last night. I miss chatting with you guys and Angie never calls any one:(

YanYan said...

Jon do you know your little cartoon character looks just like you.

Anonymous said...

talking about your politics is fine, its when you start insulting people who disagree with you that it becomes war like. People should be able to debate without resorting to insulting people with different opinions. Calling people ignorant idiots or republican retards does not promote positive dialogue

YanYan said...

I don't know who said republican retards. I don't even know that person. I am sick of this already!!! There are two sides that did wrong so please stop accusing me only!

YanYan said...

I did not know who anonymous was. I just thought it was some weirdo on the blog.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to chime in here. "Anonymous" was in the wrong because he knew who he was talking to, while jamaicandawta did not. While it may be wrong to name-call in a political discussion, 'anonymous' should have taken the high ground since he know who he was talking to, or at least toned down his scalding rhetoric. As far as jamaicandawta was concerned she was just talking to some anonymous meathead on her blog, not someone she knew. Therefore 'anonymous' response was far more messed up than jamaicandawta's becuase he knew who he was addressing while JD did not. However, both JD and anonymous have apologized, and 'anonymous' has promised not to embarass the family and publicly support Bush again.

Anonymous said...

a response is not required.

TDawg said...

I am not accusing anyone or saying anyone was in the wrong, all I was pointing out is how messed up political debates get when people stop listening and respecting and start insulting each other. doesn't matter who anonymous or JD was.

Anonymous said...

what are you a moron??? just kidding- you are correct "Tdiggity" that people should listen and not call names. But obviously JD wouldn't have said idiot if she knew who Anon was, whereas Anon used harsh language against someone he knew. Veddy bad. Therefore, i have it scored JD-7, Anon-3 (out of possible 10)

Anonymous said...

isn't it cool how we air our dirty laundry to all of internet land!! next time i'll shank you in the kidney.

TDawg said...

you can only shank me if I don't get you first. whatever I'm done, i'm taking sabbatical from blog world for a bit

Anonymous said...

you should try 'vlogging', i hear its the next big thing.

YanYan said...

JOn Jon,
Tried calling you guys and you are never home.

Jon said...

I'm always at work.
And Angie is usually passed out drunk somewhere..