Monday, November 06, 2006

Can you say uncomfortable?

Well, I am 25 weeks and the days are flying by. I cannot wait for Feb 14th. I am pretty big and the discomfort is overwhelming. I can't touch my toes, or bend, or lie on my tummy, which I miss so much, but apart from that I must say I am finally starting to enjoy my pregnancy. I went to register at Lully Baby the other day and loved it. I forgot how much crap you need for a baby. We tossed all of Jude's baby stuff away when we moved from Florida. You see Jared calls me a pack rat, but if I would of saved all of that stuff we would not have to buy back everything. Thank god I put my foot down when it came to the crib. Talk about inflation, my gosh prices have sky rocketed on baby items. The prices on strollers, cribs, car seat have doubled. It is crazy!!! What ever I get for this baby I am definitely saving for the next one. Did I say next one? I could have never said that!!!

The ten things I hate about my pregnancy:

  • The baby going under my ribs. It is not a pleasant feeling.
  • moodiness
  • severe back aches
  • heart beating faster. I think I am going to have an heart attack.
  • The weight
  • acne city
  • sweating!!!! Yeah! Sexy isn't it?
  • lethargic
  • flatulence-Let's be honest it happens all the time.. Poor Jared!
  • Not being able to see my feet
  • HUGE Tetas!!!
  • No drinking :(
  • No gym
  • No Coffee
  • Emotional wreck

The ten things I love about pregnancy:

  • The pampering my hubby gives me:)
  • The glow
  • Feeling the baby move
  • Being able to eat what ever you want and blame it on the pregnancy
  • Jude experiencing this w/ us.
  • My hair getting thicker
  • Every one helping me
  • Having an excuse not to scrub the bath tub
  • Nesting
  • Getting prepared for our son


I will say it is all worth it !!! Three more months to go. Yeah!


Anonymous said...

Congrats! Yanicke, I wasn't sure if Joe told you and Jared yet but I am pregnant too. As of Sunday I am 16 weeks. I can't wait to find out what we are having! Wow you are so big- I am worried that I am not getting big enough yet- when does it happen?

YanYan said...

OH MY GOSH!!!!!!! COngrats!!! Robin. I am so happy for you! Really I am. I know you were having problems for awhile. Well, for your first pregnancy you do not start showing until around 5 - months. It is your second pregnancy you start showing right away. Pls send pics of the belly to
I am so happy!!! I hope you are being healthy!!! Call us... I want to hear all the details.

Anonymous said...

Hey congrats Joe and Robin!!! that's cool!