Monday, November 20, 2006

The Baby Shower of the Year. . .

Jared, Johnny (Mr. host) and Nathan taking a break outside from the twenty screaming kids inside. My sweet "Susie" might of had one too many. That is me and my friend "Mariela" at the top.. BTW that is grapejuice in my glass:)
Well, as you can see it was a bashment (big party as we say in Jamaica). The babyshower of the year. I will say I do not think Jared and I have ever had the normal girly, corny baby games kind of showers. I can't stand the idea of being with 50 women for three hours, I cannot stand the baby shower games, and I hate the opening of gifts in front of a whole room of people staring at you, especially if you might not like the gift and you have to put on your best performance. None of that at this baby shower. Our last baby shower they made me wear the silly hat w/ the ribbons on it and open gifts in front of everyone, which really pissed me off. My auntie made me do it and I could not refuse since it was held at her house.
Well, this time it was held at our house and my friend "Frederick" hosted it for me. It was laid back and chill, excpet for the twenty screaming kids running around the house. That part was a challenge I must say. Normally when I am not pregnant I can handle it, but this time.... WOW! That is all I have to say... WOW!!!

Besides the kids it went really well. It was nice to see every one and have a reason to get together. We are all so busy with our every day lives that we never get to hang out unless it is some kind of function. Over all it was great. The best part of the night is when my hubby did his little speech. Since his brother's wedding he is so comfortable with speeches all of a sudden. I think it is very cute.

I just want to thank everyone again who helped with the shower and who attended. It was good times. Sorry to all the drunkards who I had to kick out after midnight, cut off from the bar, or charge for babysitting (just kidding).

Love you all and thanks again:)


YanYan said...

If you are wondering the smoke if from the candles we blew out and the wine glass has grape juice..

Anonymous said...

Many blessings from Venezula to you and Jared. Tell Jared he is missing the best waves over here in Venezula... You guys better move to Hawaii. The both of you always wanted that follow your dreams man and screw what people want or say. Yan, we miss your rootsy vibe and you have always done what you wanted. Follow your heart sista. That is why we all love you. You cannot be persuaded. Hawaii is calling you guys and your family. I loved it for the years I lived there. Congrats on littel bambino #2!!! I dig the name Zen... Truly strong name. Jared, I know my girl had to pick such a strong name. I was there from the beginning with the surfing posse in South Beach. You and Jared are family to us... Don't lose your free spirit for any one!!! I saw some comments on your blog and no one understands your free spirit like we do and we LOVE it!!! That is what makes you guys so unique and special. We are world you both are people who can hang with any race or any kind of nationality and feel comfortable. We love culture and life. I bet most of those people who left comments on your blog have not stepped outside their little world. We are the world! Jah Love Jah Bless/ Jah Rasta!!
1 Luv!!

Greetings and congrats from Venezuala!!!! Jared the waves here are sweet. Miss you bro.

YanYan said...

Hola Fish,

Ce pasa? Hola chico commestas? What a beautiful comment. We miss you too man. The unity is still strong and I will never change you know that. I will always be ROOTS. No one can take that away from me and so will JW. Man, do I miss the ol'days at SOuth Beach. I miss the South beach family alot. Give everyone kisses. You guys were there from the beginning when Jared and I first met. Remember? ha ha ha! We all met at the same time. It has been almost 7 years. I brought consciousness to your world. I saved you Fish, never forget that:) I guess we all saved each other. We will make a trip over to Venezuala. Jared really wants to go. Oh, don't worry about the comments on my blog. I am a big girl I can handle my own and plus it was family that left those comments. It is all over and settled. I know you have my back and we have yours.

I just got this book for Jared named "Chasing Che" which you would love. I will try to pick you up a copy. We will visit soon in Venezuala, Chile, or some where in between Maybe Jamaica or Costa Rica. I miss you breadrin and we hope you will always be the free spirit we love so much and you never conform either...

Every living, every faithful ever sure... Jah Rastafari!

One love and unity,

Anonymous said...

Guess who? Congrats!!!! kisses from Barcelona!!!

Hi Fish, Yanicke, and Jared


YanYan said...

Is this Lorena from Barcelona?

Anonymous said...

We miss you and Jared. The ol' days. nice:)

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