Thursday, October 26, 2006
New Blog Format
As you can see I changed the design of my blog. I got bored. Anyways, if you are wondering where my links are, they are located at the bottom of the page. I have also added some interesting links you should check out.
That is it for me today. Not much to say today..
Wednesday, October 25, 2006

- Eyebrows done.
- Pick up tuxes.
- Nails done (next day pampering for all the girls)
- Pack again to go over to the hotel.
We arrive at the hotel. Very very nice... Very modern, clean lines, and chic. I could have stayed there forever. After we unpacked our bags we took a little snoozer then went downstairs for the rehearsal. We saw everyone. It was so nice to see everyone. Stacey looked amazing, oh so did Alex:) We rehearsed and rehearsed and rehearsed. OK, Mr. Wedding Coordinator I think we got it! Yes, I said Mr.. go figure.
Time for the rehearsal dinner! Amazing! Just Amazing! I thought it was another wedding. There were eighty people present. It was the biggest wedding rehearsal dinner I have ever seen. It was good times, everyone was so nice, happy, and loving. Did I mention Stacey has the best family I have ever met, except for my own ofcourse including my inalws:) Honey Ross (Stacey's grandmother) is a gem. She lights up a room with her positivity and hilarious jokes. She is the only woman I know who is as blunt as I am and says it with grace and diplomacy, which I don't. I am very happy our families blend so nicely. OK I am getting mooshy, moving on.
Oh, I almost forgot to tell you the best part of the night. I went up the the room early with Jude, because we were exhausted. I left Jared downstairs so he can keep an eye on his bro.. Ha Ha Ha!! There is a reason for my laughter. In the middle of the night I heard some one fondling with the door. It was Jared trying to get in his room, but he was so plastered he could not figure it out. He stumbled in and fell flat on the bed. I was relieved. Oh, that was easy I thought to myself. Twenty minutes later Jared runs to the bathroom to vomit. That was good he got everything out. He will feel much better now. Fifteen minutes later after we turned out the lights and went to bed. I heard him gagging. Yes, folks gagging! Sorry babe, but I have to tell this story. It is history! I turned on the light and my husband is throwing up in his sleep all over the sheets. Gross you might say, yes, absolutely repulsive. I almost puked while cleaning his bed and taking him to the toilet. After I cleaned I left him in the bathroom and went to bed. I was not amused! I woke up two hours later and found my husband in the bathroom where I left him hugging the toilet bowl. I picked him up and put him in his CLEAN bed.
So, if any of you should ever wonder what a good woman is please refer back to this blog and you shall find out ..
( I am trying to post more pictures and this damn blog won't allow me to. This thing is not user friendly at all. It is a shame because I have such nice pics.)
The big day, October 21, 2006 at 6:30pm:
All the girls looked absolutely beautiful including myself ofcourse. My son looked so handsome and so did my gorgeous hubby. The mother in laws looked so regal in their long gowns. This was definitely a classy wedding. When Alex met Stacey Renee said to me, "You and Stacey remind me so much of each other. You both are so creative and have the same style." She was right.. Our taste is similar but I would not say the same. Stacey and Alex had quite a few little personal touches here and there. I can't name them off the top of my head, but they were special.
The wedding went well. Jude walked down the aisle all by himself. I was so proud of him. He was also jumping off of the stage covered by the hoopah. That was classic! My husband did the most amazing speech. Jon, you would have been proud. It was funny but also very heart felt and yes I got teary eyed, but it is only because I am pregnant. I was really proud of Jared. He really rocked that speech.
The night came to a close when I felt some one tugging on my dress. When I looked down it was Jude looking so tired and begging to go to bed. If Jude begs to go to beg then you know he is truly tired. We retired for the night and met up with every one the next morning to have our last breakfast and say our good byes...
Thursday, October 12, 2006
THE ESCAPE ARTIST . . . . . . .
This is a picture of my sweet island "Jamaica".
My husband recently sent me an article about this family who picked up their whole life and moved to Fiji with their kids. It is an amazing article. It is exactly what we have envisioned for ourselves one day. Can you imagine escaping the hectic every day life of the stressful rat race? That would be our dream. Your pace of life is much slower and forget maps, agendas, and planning. That does not exsist in the islands. My childhood was based off of that kind of living and I loved it. It was the best childhood a child can dream of. No sega, nintendo, playstation, McDonalds, Burger king, cell phones, texting, etc. Being a kid consist of climbing trees, playing tag, going down to the river, bamboo rafting, or just chillin on your veranda drinking the best lemonade that Ruby made.
In this article this couple took their two kids ( one was 7 and one was 13 yrs old) and moved to Fiji. They had no plan but they gave themselves ten days to figure it out. The kids were so homesick. They wanted to go back to LA to hang out with their no good friends, but that was not happening. The spoiled little rats got over it fast. They settled in Fiji and it took awhile to adjust, but it worked. Ten years later their kids are so culturally diversed, educated, respect the enviroment and just your typical mellow island kids. I think they are away in college now. You have to read the article for yourself. It was exactly what Jared and I plan to do in five years.
I have experienced this life and it is much better on the soul. I want it back so badly that I can taste it. I do not understand people getting island fever. I know I certainly get CITY fever. Put Jared and I on a nice white sand beach with hot sun, good food, mountains and friendly faces. We are fine. That is all we really need. Some times I think to myself, is Jared really from Boston? Because that man has the island soul in him. He is an American that can fit into any surrounding. When I take him home to Jamaica he is so comfortable and every one just adores him. He is definitely very different from most. That is what I love about him. We share the same passions and dreams.
Please read this article:
Tuesday, October 10, 2006

20 WEEKS and Counting .. . . . . .
As you can see I am a fat cow. Yes, I am only 20 weeks and it looks like I am ready to pop. I guess it is worth it in the end.
Well, as you can see I have not updated my blog in a while. People I am trying to do this thing every day, but let's just say, "I have a life." No offense, Taryn and Jon.
This weekend was pretty sweet as always. We had a sunny weekend in San Francisco, which is pretty rare. We took full advantage and went to the beach. The weather was aboslutely amazing. I was still a little cold, but what else is new. I am frigin cold in Jamaica too. It was much needed relaxation. It was nice watching the boyz (Jared and Jude) romp with each other on the sand, and I was also fixated on Jared and his new toy. It was like giving a child a lollipop. Men never grow up do they? Jude is definitely going to have great memories.
There was also an air show going on as well. We saw an air show right above us. That was pretty cool! They were doing some serious stunts. It must be a rush for those pilots. If I can do that I would. That rush you get from flying straight up into the air back to the ground is priceless. I got a rush from watching it. I could just imagine how those pilots feel.
So, let me just fill you in on the pregnancy. It is going well , but this must be a girl, because I am so damn emotional!!! I think I have cried every day this week for no reason. It is so annoying. You can say cry and I will cry just like that. Poor Jared and Jude has had to deal with me and I really do not know how they manage. I annoy myself. If this is not a girl I will truly be shocked. Only a girl can drive you this mad. Besides the emotional thing, everything is going great. My due date os going to be on Valentines day or no later than the 19th of Feb. I think this is it for me. I wanted three kids, but the next one will have to be adopted, because I am surely not getting knocked up again.
Friday, October 06, 2006
- I love the actors in this unique cast.
- The story writing is amazing.
- It captures the American suburbs.
- It will keep you guessing.
- No big Hollywood names, common actors.
- You actually feel like you are living her life; never say never.
- The sounds track is pretty good.
- It takes Marijuana to a new level. Should we say sensimilia "Sensi"..
I give this series ***** ( 5 stars )
Tune in and watch.. Don't get hooked.