Sunday, September 03, 2006

The early morning seems surreal with its silence and mystic presence. As of 5am this morning I was sleepless and could not fall back asleep no matter what I did. I gave into the fight and just got up and started my day. I checked email, bank account, craigslist, and watched a movie. I went upstairs and watched the movie "Phat Girls" w/Monique. It is not really my type of movie, but I support it because my friend Jimmy is the co-star. It was nothing like I thought it would be. I was expecting another ghetto comedy. It had some of that in there but it was really intense. You saw the world from a large woman's point of view. It was pretty interesting. My friend "Jimmy" was not too bad himself. The things you have to do as an actor. I have to admit seeing him kiss Monique kind of left me uneasy.
Well, moving on... I forgot what it was like to be pregnant. I probably get a good night sleep one or two days thorugh out the week. This baby does not sleep. I am up every morning by 4 0r 5am. That is why pregnant women are miserable. They do not get any sleep! I pray please let this baby be easy like Jude was. The day Jude was born until now he never gave any trouble with sleeping. He was sleeping through the night at 1 month old. Why do I feel like this one is going to bring many sleeples nights. He/she is preparing me from now.
Jared is going to have to buy earplugs again. When Jude was a baby the first couple of weeks he woke up every two hours for a feeding. Jared could not handle the crying plus he had work early in the morning, so he bought earplugs. That was genius! So, to Jared's friends if you want to know what to buy him for a baby shower gift... earplugs!
Anyways, this is a boring ramble, because I am tired and I really do not anything to say. So, I am going to try one more time to get some shut eye..

1 comment:

JJ ZIGGLES said...

Oh no, i hope this baby isn't up crying all night. ..Me and jude will move downstairs!!!! Or should we just keep the baby down there with some formula and diapers?