Friday, September 29, 2006



Yesterday started off as any normal day. A day full of so much crap to do and not enough time to do it. Well, after I picked Jude he was pretty upset, because one of the boys at school were not treating him fairly. I told him to ignore him and play with some one else. He was still very hurt. I could not believe he was being faced with these issues already. Anyways, I thought tonight I would take him to dinner with us and he will feel much better, which he did.

Everyday, the same ol' crap, same ol' crap ( I am trying not to have a foul mouth as usual). We wake up, eat breakfast, drop Jude to school, I do homework for my classes, I pick Jude up from school, Jared comes home relieves me, then I go to school, I get home and Jude and Jared are already sleeping, so I retire for the night as well. Next morning, guess what? Same shit...

The Washkowitz family is not use to routine. We are an outdoorsy, adventurous, family that never plans. Since Jude has started school our lives have become nothing but routine. Jared and I have been snapping at each other. Jude has been over tired. I remember speaking with Jared's grandpa once and he told me never give into routine. Routine can kill a marriage and your soul. He is over 80 years old and he regrets following the rules so much. He said, if your child or spouse wants you to spend a day with them knowing you have to be at work, call in sick once. It is priceless.

Well, getting to the rest of my day. My friend Debra was here from Jamaica. She wanted Jared, Jude and myself to meet her and her family y for dinner. To be honest I was feeling sick and I really wanted to cancel, because I felt like shit, but I have not seen her in years and I said, "why not?" We met up with her and her family and had an awesome time. We went to the Betelnut restaurant. Jude sat at the table with us on his best manners and was content colouring pictures w/crayons. Everyone had martinis and mojitos. I watched and drooled..:(

We started reminiscing about the good ol'days. We chatted and laughed about every subject under the sun. Jared was laughing, I was laughing and so was Jude. We realized how much we needed that outing. We realized we have become exactly what we promised we would not. We have become that family that has given into routine. As of yesterday it has been broken. No more routine!! We will go out and mingle and eat at a different restaurant every week. I felt like ten years of age came off of me.

Can routine kill your soul???


Anonymous said...

I think "Thursday Restaurant Night" sounds like the perfect way to avoid predictable routine. As long as you go out every single Thursday. At night. For dinner.

YanYan said...


That is a contradiction isn't it?
Ha Ha Ha..
Thanks for pointing that out, maybe we will mix it up a bit.