Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Thought of the day . . .
Monday, November 20, 2006
The Baby Shower of the Year. . .

Besides the kids it went really well. It was nice to see every one and have a reason to get together. We are all so busy with our every day lives that we never get to hang out unless it is some kind of function. Over all it was great. The best part of the night is when my hubby did his little speech. Since his brother's wedding he is so comfortable with speeches all of a sudden. I think it is very cute.
I just want to thank everyone again who helped with the shower and who attended. It was good times. Sorry to all the drunkards who I had to kick out after midnight, cut off from the bar, or charge for babysitting (just kidding).
Love you all and thanks again:)
Friday, November 17, 2006
Under the Weather . .
I am feeling a bit under the weather. This is the third time in two months I have caught the flu. You see when you are pregnant your immune system is at its lowest. I feel like my head is going to burst! We have our baby shower tomorrow and I do not have the energy to socialize, but I will put on my best acting ever because I will not disappoint our guests. Also, my friends, Fredrick and her husband Johnny has really put their time and energy into this shower. So I will be damned if I let a little flu stop this party..
Lata!!! Not much to say..
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Happy Birthday !

Yes, it was my 33rd birthday yesterday. If you have noticed I have no problem announcing my age. With age comes wisdom and misery.
(This is a picture of Jared and I on our honeymoon. I forgot to take pics yesterday so this will do.)
Well, I started off my day getting pampered. I went to my hair salon and chopped off my hair. I don't know but when you are pregnant you just get so annoyed with your hair and everything else. After my stylist Ney dolled me up I went to get my nails done. Getting my nails done was not a nice experience. I mean the two women who did my mani/pedi hardly spoke english. They rushed me even after I told them I just want to relax and have my feet soak for a bit. They let my feet soak a minute longer, whoopee! One was doing my pedicure and the other my manicure, so I did not have a free hand to hold my magazine. I was pretty frustrated at this point. To make matters worse they are speaking a mile a minute in another language to each other. How rude is that? They were probably saying "Wow, she huge!" or "Let's over charge her and only do ten dolla job." Then finally the question came. The lady playing with my feet said, "What are you?" What kind of question is that? I know they don't speak english well but talk about being caught off guard. I said, "What do you mean?" They both said, "You look chinee, phillipino, Laosian, or something. We cannot figure it out." So, I told them "Chinese Jamaican". The lady dropped my foot, "no way! We never hear of that!" I was thinking " well lady now you have. Can you just do my pedi, please, I beg you! I came here to relax, not talk." Ok, I did not say that, but I think she got the hint and finished my massage and got me out of there quickly when I did not entertain their conversation. I will never go there again.
Then, I did my typical errands and picked son up. I was feeling a bit down because I missed my family and friends so badly, but when I picked up my son and saw that smile how could I be down. I just sat in my car for a minute and thought of how lucky I am and all the good things in my life. That made my day and all of the phone calls started flowing in from England, Jamaica, New York, Miami, SF, Trinidad and birthday greetings from Antigua. Wow, I am very loved I must say. My friends never forget and I felt so awful because I cannot remember a birthday to save my life.
Later on that evening my hubby came home and made my day even more special by taking me out to a great sushi restaurant. Jude was on his best behavior. The food was magnificent but pricey, the conversation was stimulating, and the love was unconditional. After dinner we were on our way home and my hubby wanted to stop and get a cake, ice cream, present and do the whole birthday thing, but I felt satisfied and I just wanted to go to sleep. Is that sad? No, I don't think it is. I just think when we get older we really realize what happiness is and what material isn't. I chose happiness:)
Friday, November 10, 2006
HOnesty is not the best policy!!!
Anyways, thanks JK I will never be honest again. I was totally honest and it turned into WWIII.
BTW Jon I heard you are going to Natick for turkey day. We really wish we could be there with you guys:)
Well, I am signing off to bed. Good night everyone.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
What a day! I think this was the best voting day in years. It frustrates me more than ever that I cannot vote. Yes, people the tree huggin' hippy is just a resident and not a citizen yet. I have filled out the application many times and have not sent it in, but I will. The fact that I have been missing out has been killing me.
I will tell you the real truth why I have not sent in my application for my citizenship. The government has been begging me to become a citizen from the days Clinton was in office and I should have done it then. They were not so strict back then on having dual citizenship. Well, from the information I have gathered I might have to give up my Jamaican citizenship which is very hard for me. I think there is a way you can have dual, but you have to visit Jamaica every six months I think. I don't know I will figure it out. Now back to politics.
It seems that this is the most popular televised voting day ever. Everyone has been following the elections all over the world. Bush is deeply unpopular in most countries. We all want to see the cowboy get impeached. Why don't we impeach his ass I say!!!
One opposition lawmaker, Hafiz Hussain Ahmed, said he welcomed the election result, but was hoping for more. Bush "deserves to be removed, put on trial and given a Saddam-like death sentence," he said. I totally agree with Mr. Ahmed! This war has effected the whole world. I know it all sounds so harsh, but I am really fed up of our president and I don't think it's fare for him to play GOD! more like DEVIL!
My concern for the democrats is how can we fix this? I actually feel sorry for them. I feel Americans are going to demand changes immediately. They are going to want to see the democratic party play god and do some obsurd miracle. It is not going to be so easy and I also don't even know if they can clean this shit up. What impact do you think the democrats will have in Iraq? Can they back out now? Bush really fucked things up!!!! We have more enemies than ever because of this idiot! I just hope the people of this country give the democrats a chance and know what they are faced with, not only the Iraq war, but also global trade. I am sure China is worried.
What about this Gates character? What is his story? I do not know much about him. I will have to do my research and see what he is about.
Ok I have to run. I need to get this house in order for father in law who will be in here in an hour. So lata ( lata means later in Jamaica)... I will leave you with these quotes:
from Paris to Pakistan, a repeated theme was hope that the Democratic takeover of the House and Senate would force Bush to adopt a more conciliatory approach to global crises, and teach a president many see as a "cowboy" a lesson in humility.
In an extraordinary joint statement, more than 200 Socialist members of the European Parliament hailed the American election results as "the beginning of the end of a six-year nightmare for the world."
To all mi yardie Jamaicans out there: Fire bun dem!
Monday, November 06, 2006
Can you say uncomfortable?

Well, I am 25 weeks and the days are flying by. I cannot wait for Feb 14th. I am pretty big and the discomfort is overwhelming. I can't touch my toes, or bend, or lie on my tummy, which I miss so much, but apart from that I must say I am finally starting to enjoy my pregnancy. I went to register at Lully Baby the other day and loved it. I forgot how much crap you need for a baby. We tossed all of Jude's baby stuff away when we moved from Florida. You see Jared calls me a pack rat, but if I would of saved all of that stuff we would not have to buy back everything. Thank god I put my foot down when it came to the crib. Talk about inflation, my gosh prices have sky rocketed on baby items. The prices on strollers, cribs, car seat have doubled. It is crazy!!! What ever I get for this baby I am definitely saving for the next one. Did I say next one? I could have never said that!!!
The ten things I hate about my pregnancy:
- The baby going under my ribs. It is not a pleasant feeling.
- moodiness
- severe back aches
- heart beating faster. I think I am going to have an heart attack.
- The weight
- acne city
- sweating!!!! Yeah! Sexy isn't it?
- lethargic
- flatulence-Let's be honest it happens all the time.. Poor Jared!
- Not being able to see my feet
- HUGE Tetas!!!
- No drinking :(
- No gym
- No Coffee
- Emotional wreck
The ten things I love about pregnancy:
- The pampering my hubby gives me:)
- The glow
- Feeling the baby move
- Being able to eat what ever you want and blame it on the pregnancy
- Jude experiencing this w/ us.
- My hair getting thicker
- Every one helping me
- Having an excuse not to scrub the bath tub
- Nesting
- Getting prepared for our son
I will say it is all worth it !!! Three more months to go. Yeah!
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Happy Halloween 2006

Jude and his kindergarten class "Sunset Elem."

Matthew and Jude . . . .

I must say this was one of the best Halloweens. We met up with our friends and hit the town going from door to door with the kids. The costumes were quite unique and entertaining.
Here are the high points of our day and night:
- Dressing Jude up for his first school parade
- Being present for Jude's school parade thanks to my amazing husband
- Taking a long over due three hour nap with my son
- Celebrating Halloween night with good friends
- Great neighborhood w/beautiful houses
- Wicked candy
- Lots of action
- Getting glow sticks from Robin William's house . . . priceless
Now for the low points:
- Keeping track of all the kids
- Walking my pregnant butt all over town
Well, that sums it up. It was a good night..

Nathan "Raggedy boy" and Jared "The Roadie"..
Crazy Anna, Yanicke (the abused housewife), and Raggedy Ann - Susie.