Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Isn't this cool. I am thinking of getting this done..
I AM BACK!!!!!!!!

Guys, I am so sorry I have not written in my blog for awhile. I am telling you when I was younger I must of went through a dozen diaries. I could never record each day. I would write in it everyday and then I would forget for a month, catch up again and forget, then I would just toss it in the garbage. I am trying to be a good blogger. I have already gotten several complaints how my blogs are boring because it is all about life of a stay home mom, or I do not update it enough or I cut and paste too much. YOu know what? Fuck off! with a capital F!! The world is just full of critics aren't they. Why the fuck don't your lazy ass stop reading everyone else's blog and go and record your own and we will see if you are successful at it. I am trying man.. shit (excuse my language).

Well, there is a reason for such rash behavior. Yes, world I am finally knocked up again:) We are very happy I must say after trying for a year. It is great but back to misery, saggy breast, a gut, throwing up everyday, flatulence and major straight on bitchyness... I am sorry for being so blunt, but hey that's me. Seriously though my husband, my son and myself are more than happy. This is the greatest gift Jah could give us. WE found out in Baltimore the night of Angie and Jon's wedding. I kind of knew I was pregnant because as soon as I landed I was smoking cigs and drinking with Angie and JOn and for some reason I could not get a buzz no matter how much I drank. I could not finish my cigi. It was just very strange for me, because I am a light weight and get drunk pretty easily and I can smoke like it going out of style. So, I knew something was wrong. My next two days there I could stand the smell of the cigarette in the house. Yes, my friend smokes in her house, no comments here, because they already think I am a hippy (tree hugger). Then I knew some thing was seriously wrong, because hello, I am a smoker why would the smell bother me so much.

When I really knew for sure was at their wedding. By the way, that wedding was so pretty. Angie looked gorgeous and I was so happy for them. They both deserve happiness. I was extremely emotional at the wedding more than I normally would be and the most shocking thing. I did not feel like drinking. If I do not feel like drinking there is something definitely wrong. Well, I left the wedding early because Jude was tired and so was I. Alex and my sister in law Stacey came back with me to the hotel. They came and hung out in our hotel room. I took the pregnancy test and they stayed for the results. It was positive...Yeah!!! We were all thrilled..

The hubby called me about 3am and I told him the news over the phone while he was with the drunk wedding party and my brethren "Petah". He was so happy and so was every one else. Every one was drunk and yelling and congratulating him. I was relieved to know he was happy, because you know men can change their mind at a drop of a dime. We went over to Mike's room where every one was partying and I saw Angie looking so happy with her new husband. Every one was smoking and drunk. I looked around gave every one a good night hug and I knew it was also good night and good bye to every thing else..

No more liquor or cigis for me. I am actually happy that my body has turned off of it, because I knew this was the only way for me to quit and I have.
Well, everyone good night and I will try to post more often..

1 luv..